Mom and Dad Schaper June 26,2010

Mom and Dad Schaper June 26,2010
One of several "Pure Joy" moments for which I thank God!

My Baby Sister,Sharon Kay,her son,Michael

My Baby Sister,Sharon Kay,her son,Michael
Home at last,my dear Sis!

Ricky's Answer to high Fuel Bills

Ricky's Answer to high Fuel Bills
"Star Hollow Gas Reserve!"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"Little Girl Within!"

From whence cometh these wrinkles;this furrowed brow?
The youthful one still skips within,in unaltering steps,in my heart!
She still runs free,among those childhood hills;only the wind being able to overtake her.
A wild child racing through the meadows of her childhood past.
In a place filled with divers colors of wildflowers,peeping their tiny faces up through the grass,
the little girl smiles and sings as she skips along.
Little creatures,her special friends,scurry about her as she hurries along.
The little girl is comforted by the old familiar sound of the wind as it squeezes it's way through the clefts and crevices of the rocks and hills;this sound was the lullaby each night of her youth.
Eerie clikkety claks echo from the creek bed nearby;steps of some animal;
or,as her childhood imagination kicks in,she wonders,maybe some ogre come to steal her away?
The little one lays her down to rest with the sisters of her youth in the warm glow of the old lamp;her mother's gentle breathing of rest nearby and her daddy's nocturnal night noises-
an occassional odd word combination,spoken in sleep,from the brothers'part of the house.
A chill passes over the little girl,as the old familiar sound of the whipporwills echo from holler to holler,their sad refrain,but "all is well in Star Hollow"-angels watch as silent sentinels as she sleeps!


Diane said...

Loved it!

Echoes From The Heart of the Hollow said...

Diane,thanks for all your comments.You have always meant a lot to me through the years.Different times ,at my worst of times,you have encouraged me.Thanks.I also want you to know that esp since you lost your "Love",you are constant in my prayers.Keep encouraged in Him!Your friend,Margaret

Arthur and Jessica said...

Hi, it was good to see you while we were down. I love your music selections. Good ole down home style, my favorite :-)


Day Children Early photo Collage

Day Children Early photo Collage

A true Echo from the Hollow

A true Echo from the Hollow
My niece,Evangeline Joy