I would like to report that,with the help of the good Lord,I had a wonderful Star Hollow few days.I actually did not go down into Star Hollow but close enough as Carolyn and I and Connie's friend,Carl visited Maplewood Cemetery that sits right outside of Exeter,Mo. at the top of the entrance into Thomas Hollow(that would be the hollow you would go through to get to my bloved Star Hollow.Of course you would have to go across a couple of ridges and down Bear Cve Hill(the one my Aunt Bessie refused to ride down in the car once because she was scared,so yep,she walked down it)This was one of several family stories told and retold.
It is a gorgeous Fall Ozark day as we approach the final resting place of a whole lot of my Day relatives and people I gew up with.This journey is always poignant and bittersweet with memories as we have just passed through the small town of Exeter.We go past what used to be the small MFA Exchange Country Store.Of course,first I have to recall the excruciating,sad, day .It was October 16,1972 and I had made the sad journey with my Daddy in his pickup.My unutterable pain and loss was beyond human comprehension,but when I added the pain I felt from a father who had lost yet another son,tragically,it was beyond human bearing.That day I stood in the corner of this store and listened while my dad made the arrangements of burial for a beloved son,my dear sweet Bobby whom I had tended to since birth,As always,I feel the gentleness of the kind heavenly Father take over and I am comforted and quickly move on to happier memories-those of a small little girl who finally got her turn to come into town with a Daddy that had to spread himself thin with 10 children.I still feel the excitement as I got to enjoy the little stores atmosphere(the old woodburning stove with several gathered round sharing stories,howdies,etc,many,my relatives,no doubt)What wonderful memories!I have to leave you now,but will post more of my journey,later,as I can.What I have to reiterate is how very thankful I am for all my family and friends who have helped on and through this journey.I have never had trouble believing in angelsmheavenly and earthly for it has been my experience,that everytime I needed them,they are always there,provided by my loving Heavenly Father!If you are heavy-hearted today,call on Him.He knows,He loves,He cares"I have proven Him true,what He says He will do...for He never Has failed me yet!"One more thing,I confess,I still feel that same ,little girl excitement about little brown sacks,filled with chosen candy favorites!Till next time...Ann of Star Hollow
My Most Influential Person of 2012........
.....Well-meaning family members admonished me to guard my heart....
.....Historically, I am a Master at guarding my heart.
.....The day you came saunter...
12 years ago
Mom I am so glad God chose me to be a part of your journey! I am so blessed, and I thank God every day for you, and Dad.Oh what a heritage I have...I don't understand why you have had so many "leave" you on this journey; I cannot even begin to imagine your pain, but thru the pain you have pushed on, and I know that you have cushioned the "Grief-path" for SO many people because of your (God's)strength-Me being one of them.
I love you.
Mom, what about a reunion down in the "Holler" this Spring 2009?...Schaper's, Hollenbeck's, Day's, and any other friend's...
I have thought so many times of days spent at "the holler" with the whole crew.
You're welcome to contact us any time.
With love . . .
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